Tutorials of Xilinx ZCU104
1. How to format SD card and run ZCU104 with pre-built petalinux
2. Connect PC and ZCu104 directly using ethernet cable
3. Velodyne driver running on PYNQ on Xilinx MPSoc ZCU104 platform
神经网络的FPGA实现之坑一: MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox
神经网络的FPGA实现之坑二: MATLAB HDL Coder
神经网络的FPGA实现之坑三:基于HDL Coder的DDR4接口模型详解
Tips for Matlab HDL Toolbox Series
About Me
I am currently a PhD student in Department Electrical and Computer Engineering, Worcester Polytechinic Institute. My research interest are: Computer Vision
, Deep Learning
, Autonomous Driving